Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Easy exercises for kids

Whether your child is training for a 5K or obstacle course race, or she just wants to get in shape, these strength-training moves—are a great addition to a workout routine at just about any age.

1. Bench step-ups: Step right foot, then left, up onto a low bench, then step down. Switch your starting side with each set.

Workout for kids

2. Burpees: From standing, squat down, place your hands on the ground, and jump your feet back into a plank position. Lower body to the floor for a push-up. Push back up to plank. Hop feet back in and stand up.

Workout for kids

3. Calf raises: From standing, lift up onto your tiptoes and hold, then lower.

Workout for kids

4. Crab walks: Sit with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground; place palms on the ground behind you. Lift hips a few inches and walk forward on your hands and feet like a crab, then walk backward.
Workout for kids
7. Handstands against a wall: Make it a game and see who can hold it the longest.

Workout for kids

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