Friday, July 3, 2020

Top Diets For 2020

A new year and especially a new decade is a new chance to meet your health and wellness goals. Will 2020 be the year you finally lose weight? Part of this renewed commitment to yourself is choosing a diet that hasn’t only been proven effective through scientific studies, but is also a plan you can stick to.

1. Volumetrics Diet

While many diets are very complicated, the Volumetrics diet is quite simple.
On this diet, food is categorized into four different groups from least energy-dense (examples include broth, non-starchy vegetables and fruits) to most energy-dense (those treats we have trouble resisting like cookies, chocolate, and butter). The goal is for the majority of your diet to consist of lower-density foods.  

2. Keto

There isn’t a buzzier diet right now than keto. This incredibly effective plan isn’t likely to go away any time soon. The keto or ketogenic diet works because it’s high in fat, which makes it very satiating, but very low in carbohydrates. Reducing carbs allows your body to go into ketosis. During ketosis, the body becomes better at turning fat into energy. It also turns fat into ketones in the liver, which ultimately improves brain function. 

3. Vegan

Do you know a vegan? If you’re not sure, the answer is “no” because when someone is vegan, they’ll tell you about it. Vegans eliminate all animal products including meat, fish, dairy, eggs and honey. This diet continues to be popular for ethical reasons as well as the fact that it is incredibly effective. 

Luckily, in 2020, it’s easier than ever to maintain a vegan diet because of the rising popularity of plant-based meats such as Beyond and Incredible. But it’s still important to monitor how much you’re eating. Take time to read nutrition labels because these types of products are often highly processed. 

4. Probiotic-Rich

A probiotic-rich diet is a far better approach than the raw food diet for people with digestive and inflammation issues. Morse says she loves probiotic foods like kimchi, kefir, Kombucha and yogurt, all of which are easy to find at most major supermarkets. 

Unlike other diets, it’s far easier to incorporate probiotic-rich foods into your diet than it is to restrict others. It’s a realistic way of eating as opposed to just another fad diet du jour.

Best diet 2020


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