Thursday, July 9, 2020

Workout for Women

In need of a fast paced, quick, full body workout that you can do in the comfort of your own home - all in under 20 mins? Then check out this program!

The Exercises

Below is a list of exercises we will use for this 20 minute workout.

Kettlebell Swings: This is the most popular movement with kettlebells. It’s pretty basic and appears like it wouldn’t be very effective but if you use the right weight it will wear you out quickly. Your shoulders, forearms, legs, and core will feel the burn.

Hold the weight by the handle or top and start with it at arms’ length between your legs. Using your legs, shoulders, and core, swing it up until it passes shoulder height. Lower it under control to the starting position and repeat.

Goblet Squat: You’ve probably seen these performed with a dumbbell but you can do these with your kettlebell as long as you hold it by the sides of the handle, also known as the “horns”. If you’re using a dumbbell hold it by one end on the sides.

For this exercise to be the most effective, you must squat all the way down with your thighs at least parallel with the floor. When you stand back up, flex your quads and squeeze your glutes at the top. Repeat.

Jumping Rope: Seeing the jump rope in the list of items was probably a spoiler, right? If this is a talent you don’t feel you’re a master of, just do the best you can. The effort and trying your best is what matters here.

8 Counts: You might have also heard these called “8 Count Body Builders”. These used to be as popular as burpees are now. It’s a total body exercise that will take some practice before you feel comfortable doing at full speed. If you’ve never done this before, here’s how it works.

Stand straight with feet forward and shoulder width apart. Arms should be at your sides.

  1. Bend over and place your hands on the floor wider than shoulder width.
  2. Kick your legs back so your toes are on the floor and you’re in a push-up position.
  3. Drop down into a push-up.
  4. Push-up back to the top.
  5. Kick your feet out to the sides.
  6. Now bring them back together.
  7. Bring your feet back in so they are under your torso.
  8. Return to your standing position.

That is one rep. You would repeat for as many reps as you can in the time permitted.

Plank: Obviously you don’t move during a plank but this will force you to focus on keeping your core tight and stabilize your body without falling. So for a workout like this it will be both effective and beneficial.

Get down on the floor in a pushup position. Hold yourself up with your hands or forearms. Pull in your stomach and tighten your entire body. Hold this position as long as you can or for the time required.

What to Do Next

Obviously take a minute or two to take some deep breaths and recover before going on with your day.

There are several ways to challenge yourself to improve on this program. You can focus on doing more reps, improving the speed of the rope while skipping, or using a heavier weight for the first two movements.

women home workout

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